MindMac model setting has "Maximum Tokens" already there. It might be just model information only, because maximum tokens already set by endpoints.
For Ollama, sadly it's only fallback to default 2048 max tokens if not explicitly written in modelfile OR in inference message. This is why models doesn't follow Occupations (system prompt) because long system prompt already taken a lot of tokens.
I think you should add num_ctx on every input message sent to Ollama, as set in Maximum Tokens setting on MindMac. Or maybe you can add to Parameter settings on main window?
For now I have to make my own modelfile which explicitly set num_ctx. For Mistral model should set 32768, for Llama3 should 8192. This makes Ollama model a bit messy to run with MindMac, I have to "compile" my own model.